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To use MoneyGram, click the button below and it will take you directly to the MoneyGram site. Once there you will need to put in the First Name: Fred, Last Name: Delauriers, and Country: Haiti. Once you choose an amount and send it you will receive a one time code that must be sent directly to Fred. You can do that through the Contact Us page on this site as only Fred and I (the webmaster State side) get these emails, and the code will only be useful inside the country of Haiti. Donations this way are not tax deductible and please understand that Fred needs to travel over an hour to pick up these funds at the nearest location. It is recommended that this method only be used if the donation is large enough to warrant his travel. Small donations are best done through Paypal or Restoration of Hope where we wait until we have enough to make it worthwhile or Fred tells us he will be near a pick up spot for MoneyGram
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